The ASM Group is the exclusive distributor in Mexico of C. C. JENSEN products, global leader in filtration systems for oil and diesel fuel. Its products are aimed at businesses using oil and diesel in the main sectors of:
1. Power Generation
2. Marine
3. Mining
4. Automotive
5. Industrial
6. Petroleum (Offshore)
7. Automobile transport
The ASM Group offers filtration systems for any application.
C. C.JENSEN designs and produces filtration systems offline for the elimination of all types of contaminants such as particles, water and oxidation products that cause oil degradation.
Preventative maintenance of oil is an important point to ensure increased reliability and service life of machinery and components. The CJC™ Filters combine depth filtration with water separation and elimination of varnishes. They are applied in all kinds of oils and lubricants as well as diesel.
The CJC™ Filters cover all customer needs. C. C. JENSEN is at the forefront of filtration technology and has over 50 years’ experience in its field.
Features of fine filtration: 3 absolute microns and 0.8 nominal microns